Stirring up good trouble with The Troublesmiths.
No pressure at all, but these really kids need us to step up.
This innovative pilot program needed to not look like ‘your dad’s’ social enterprise. It needed to succeed because there has to be a better option for youth unemployment and generational disadvantage than sending our young people out picking up garbage. We’re better than that.
Client feedback: “The development of the Troublesmiths brand has made a massive impact on our social enterprise, and as a result is allowing us to affect more change in the local cohort of unemployed youth.
Our social media engagement has also increased, and our expressions of interest from young people wanting to be part of the Troublesmiths journey has skyrocketed to the point where we are having to put a cap on entry, and we have literally run out of chairs and workstations!”
This project won the Logo Design, Brand ID & the Game Changer Award categories at the 2018 Diemen Awards.