The tale of the invincible (& always snackish) Meehan Monster.
How a bike race poster brief leaked into its own thing.
The Meehan Monster started out as a silly gag. It seemed like a funny idea that a mountain bike race in the notoriously hilly Meehan Range would “eat your legs”. And so the Meehan Monster was born (or more accurately, discovered).
Firstly, the lovely folks at Ride Bellerive must be credited for launching the initial monster finding expedition that is the Meehan Monster Bike Race. They love a weird idea and this thing grew like none of us really expected.
After being adopted by the mountain biking community he became the defacto mascot of the Meehan Range and now appears on signage throughout the range thanks to the forward thinking and ongoing support of active recreation by Clarence City Council.
The Meehan Monsters became popular their own right - it sparked a dedicated fan following who found more monster evidence in mountain bike parks all over Tasmania.
Some say they are always waiting, just behind a tree at the end of a long climb when your legs have become like jelly. That’s how they like them!
This ongoing project has been made more than one appearance at the Diemen Awards, winning the social media category in 2016 (it was also a Grand Diemen Finalist in 2016) and the 2019 edition was a finalist in the Illustration category.