TasWaste South
Brand Development.
A deceptively simple, clear approach to renaming and branding TasWaste South.
Formerly the Southern Tasmanian Regional Waste Authority, we worked with TasWaste South to develop a shorter, sharper name that held a similar sense of authority – but was less of a mouthful! (It’s also a bit easier to remember).
TasWaste South is a Joint Authority established by the 12 Councils of Southern Tasmania. TasWaste South’s primary role will be collaborate, coordinate and inform with a view to driving better waste outcomes and efficiencies for southern councils and communities.
The design response here is a light, elegant touch with a mass market sensibility. TasWaste South has essentially two sets of stakeholders. They have the 12 member councils and the Tasmanian State Government, as well as the community living in South Eastern Tasmania. What seems like a simple brief becomes complex when you have to balance those kinds of stakeholder concerns. Another factor in a brand design like this is simply making sure it feels “right” - this is a place of careful design as you cannot go too far stylistically but the new organisation must also feel “real” and fully formed from the outset.